申し訳ありませんが、 ノー・ガンズ・ライフはNetflix Japan ではご利用いただけませんが、日本では今すぐロックを解除して視聴を開始できます!いくつかの簡単な手順で、Netflix の地域を イタリア のような国に変更し、 ノー・ガンズ・ライフ を含む Netflix イタリア の視聴を開始できます。
Netflix で ノー・ガンズ・ライフ を視聴する方法ベリューレン社により戦時中開発された新技術「身体機能拡張技術」。その技術により身体の一部、もしくは全部を機械化された者は、拡張者(エクステンド)と呼ばれていた。拡張者と生身の人間の非拡張者が混在する社会では常にいざこざが絶えず、それらの問題を解決する「処理屋」を、乾十三(いぬいじゅうぞう)は生業としていた。そして、十三自身も、頭部が巨大な銃の「拡張者」だった。ある日、十三は、全身拡張者の大男から一人の少年の保護を依頼される。その少年の名は荒吐鉄朗(あらはばきてつろう)。ベリューレン社から誘拐された少年だった。だが、十三は依頼を受けたもののベリューレン社からの追手に、鉄朗を奪われてしまう。十三はなりゆきで街を牛耳るベリューレン社と事を構えることになるのだが…鉄朗を誘拐した全身拡張者の男は何者なのか? ベリューレン社と鉄朗の関係は? 「ウルトラジャンプ」にて大好評連載中のSFハードボイルド、ここに開幕!
Meet Juuzo Inui. An Over-Extended who deals with the problems of other Extended, people who have gotten enhanced body modifications. One night, a mysterious Extended "visits" his office with an unconscious boy from a shady orphanage...
Juuzo makes a move to get Tetsuro back and carries the Extended boy to a place where Berühren cannot easily reach. While Tetsuro is unconscious, Juuzo wanders around town looking for his favorite pack of smokes. A man named Cunningham greets him.
Tetsuro is now awake and Mary works on his rehabilitation. A man named Huang comes to visit Juuzo and offers him a job to resolve a certain Extended case. Children in the Kyusei Pit are being attacked and each time, a message is left...
Tetsuro took over Juzo's body and found the culprits to the puppet casses. However, the culprits were children like him. They were experimented on and used as tools by the Berühren company. He tries to save them, but he cannot do it alone.
Ever since the incident with Ende, Berühren has not made any movements. Even so, Tetsuro is worried about involving Juzo and the others. Especially since Juzo could lose his immunity license, which is exactly what Olivier plans to do.
In exchange for taking care of the issues he's caused and to have Olivier protect his friends and client, Juzo accepts her request to hunt down a renegade Extended named Hayden Gondry. As Juzo searches, he realizes Gondry's connection with his past.
Juzo and Kronen face Gondry, but he escapes. Behind the scenes, Olivier is removed from her position as Director. Her superiors move to erase Gondry to sweep this incident under the rug. Kronen walks away with new orders and Juzo is left behind.
Juzo faces off against Tokisada, who wishes to eliminate Gondry and keep the secrets of the Nightmare of Norse Scott buried. At the same time, Tetsuro and Olivier speed toward the memorial park to get Juzo his cigarettes before it is too late.
Days after the events at the End of War Commemoration Park, things begin to settle down. Though tension is still high, everyone goes back to Christina's building and continue their daily lives. There, Tetsuro meets a man named Colt.
Colt cannot stand the vapid eyes of his dear little sisters. He takes on a job that will give his family a future. Tetsuro and Mary go after him, hoping to stop him from going down a dangerous past. Meanwhile, Juzo hunts down Saryshagan.
Pepper and Seven greet Juzo at his office to ask Juzo for one thing, himself. Though Seven isn't happy about it, it seems Pepper wants to add Juzo to her collection. Their little scuffle creates more questions and brings back some memories as well.
A client named Danny Yoe requests Juzo to protect a girl named Rosa from the ghost of an Extended. Mary makes him take the case, but Juzo thinks the whole situation is a bit suspicious. It seems this "ghost" is searching for something...
Tetsuro and the others get attacked by unknown assailants while Juzo is out getting the data from the memory medium he recovered from Rosa. Mary runs into her long-missing brother, Victor, during her escape from the attackers...
Mary begins to question her memories with Victor. Maybe she never really understood him at all. In order to confirm things with her own eyes, she heads to the Kyusei Pit with Juzo, who happened to be going the same way. There, Lefty greets them.
As Juzo faces Victor as Mary is shocked by how much he has changed. The war and what he saw there seems to have turned him into some kind of monster. If someone has to stop his maniacal rampage... At the very least, it should be her.
Avi Cobo has once again appeared and now he's taken Mary hostage. Juzo watches as the two men clash. Each and every one of them... They all just keep getting in the way of his job. Now, he's not going to just stand back and let a girl suffer.
Juzo and the others try to get back into their normal lives as things have seemingly resolved with Spitzbergen. A mysterious man watches from the shadows as Juzo goes downstairs to get his maintenance done. The time has finally come...
A woman name Emma appears at Inui's office and asks him to find her husband. The mysterious Edmund seems to be looking for Juzo as well. Juzo is taken aback when they meet. It seems, after all these years, he's come to settle an old score.
Tetsuro struggles with his task to take control of Juzo. The appearance Edmund pulls up Juzo's past and forces Tetsuro to face even more of the absurdity in this world. Unsure of himself and his own past, he turns Juzo for direction.
Juzo, pretending to be controlled, runs away while leaving Tetsuro's body behind with Professor Wachowski. The two of them have a discussion about Berühren once more. Tetsuro struggles with his decisions, both from the past and in the present.
Juzo continues to hold Shimazu and Kunugi back while Tetsuro finishes things up. During the struggle, new players appear at the scene and Juzo finds out that Kunugi may not be on Spitzbergen's side, after all.
Without a Hands, Juzo is fighting a losing fight. Even so, he doesn't budge from his ideals. Even though Tetsuro knows Juzo will get mad at him, Tetsuro uses Harmony on him once again. There, Tetsuro discovers the reason for Juzo's decision.
While Tetsuro speaks with Juzo, things get out of hand outside. The EMS, Security Bureau, and Berühren rush to the scene to control the situation. There, Pepper whispers to Seven that she wants everything destroyed. As Pepper's gun, Seven complies.
Pepper wakes up at the Reconstruction Agency hospital without her Hands device. Juzo meets with her to finish things up after taking a job from Seven. Yet again, Berühren has managed to slip away and Juzo continues his days with Tetsuro.