はい、 まじっく快斗: Kid the Phantom Thiefは日本 Netflix で利用できるようになりました。 February 23, 2024 にオンライン ストリーミング用に配信されました
マジック好きの高校生・黒羽快斗はある日、自室に隠し扉があることを発見する。それは、8年前にマジックショーの最中に事故死した世界的マジシャンの父・黒羽盗一が仕掛けた最後のマジックだった。そこにあったのは世界的な大泥棒・怪盗キッドの衣装。キッドは8年前から姿を消していたが、最近になって復活していた。快斗は衣装を纏い、キッドに会いに行った。そこで出会ったのはかつて父の付き人をしていた、寺井黄之助だった。快斗は父が怪盗キッドであり、事故死ではなく殺されたのだと知らされる。快斗は父を殺した人物を探すべく、自らが怪盗キッドとなる。 怪盗キッドとして活動していたある日、快斗は自分を「黒羽盗一」と呼ぶ組織と遭遇し、彼らこそが父の仇だと確信する。その組織が求めるのは不老不死が得られるという伝説のビッグジュエル・パンドラ。快斗はその野望を阻止すべく、組織より先にパンドラを見つけ出して、破壊することを決意する。
ネットフリックスで見るThe mysterious thief Kaitou Kid has reappeared after an eight year hiatus stealing jewels. Meanwhile, high school student Kaito Kuroba discovers a secret room in his house behind a portrait of his father along with Kaitou Kid's outfit.
While stealing the Angel Crown, Inspector Nakamori catches a glimpse of Kaito's face while in his disguise as Kaitou Kid. Determined to prove to her father Kaito isn't Kid, Aoko convinces Kaito to go on a date with her to Tropical Land at the same time Kid's next heist is to take place.
Princess Anne of the Duchy of Sabrina visits Japan along with her trigger-happy bodyguard Inspector Delon. While in Japan, Anne longs to meet Kaitou Kid while Delon plans to put an end to Kid once and for all. Inspector Nakamori worries that Delon will succeed and he'll lose his job chasing Kid and dream of capturing him. Kid's next heist is Princess Anne's jewel, Beaucoup de Soleil à Paris, which Anne plans to wear at a party.
Akako Koizumi, a witch attending Kaito's school, is furious to discover that there's only one man in the world who can resist her charms: Kaitou Kid. It's Valentine's Day so all the girls in school are giving chocolates to boys they care about. Kaito notices a bunch of boys surrounding Akako and decides to ask her for a chocolate. Akako tells Kaito she'll give him one...if he throws away all of the others he's received. Kaito declines leading Akako to realize that since he managed to escape her charm, he must be the Kaitou Kid. Akako decides that if she can't have Kaito fall in love with her, then no one shall have him and plots Kid's demise on top of the Tokyo Sky Tree after a heist.
Aoko is upset because her father, Inspector Nakamori, will miss her birthday because he needs to chase Kid as Kid attempts to steal India's largest sapphire, The Blue Birthday. Kaito cheers her up by promising he'll perform a magic show at her birthday party. Kid successfully steals the Blue Birthday only to be stopped in his escape by a man named Snake who reveals that he killed Toichi Kuroba, the original Kaitou Kid, eight years ago.